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Overview: information in other languages

Overview of information for foreign companies and workers produced by Arbejdstilsynet - the Danish Working Environment Authority.

In order to make it easier for foreign companies and workers to comply with Danish regulations, the Danish Working Environment Authority has produced a number of information materials in other languages. The subjects covered are among others inspection, the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT), H&S risk assessment and safety in the construction industry.

Below you will find links to the information materials (pdf or webpage) as well as an overview in schematic form of the information available in each language.

Information in other languages

Overview of Information available in each language

 Important rules, inspections and self-service

Title/Language  DK  DE EN ES IT LI PL PT RO RU
A roof over your head  x  x  x    x  x    x  x
Health and Safety Risk Assessment  x  x  x      x  x      
Inspections of foreign companies  x  x x x x x x x x x
Notify the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT)  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x
Relevant self-service solutions  x   x x x x   x x x

Safety in the building and construction industry

Title/Language  DK  DE EN ES IT LI PL PT RO RU
Take no chances with your safety  x  x x  x  x  x  x    
Personal protective equipment  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Protect yourselves against asbestos  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Protect yourselves against PCB  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Safety during demolition  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Safety during excavations   x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Safety during roof work  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Safety when working on ladders  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Scaffolding work safety  x  x    x  x  x    x  x
Signals for working with cranes  x  x    x  x  x    x  x

 Trip and slip accidents, fact sheet

Industries/Language DK  DE EN ES IT LI PL PT RO RU
Bricklaying and masonry x x x       x      
Carpenters and joiners x x x       x      
Electricity x x x       x      
Goods transport x x x       x      
Plumbers x x x       x      

Health and safety cooperation at worksites, fact sheet

Target group/Language DK DE EN ES IT LI PL PT RO RU
Clients x x x       x      
Contractors x x x       x      
Last updated: 27-05-2024