Accommodation in Denmark
Tag over hovedet (A roof over your head)
Health and Safety Management
Important rules, inspection and self-service
Arbejdspladsvurdering (Risk assessment in the workplace)
Hvordan fører Arbejdstilsynet tilsyn? (How does Arbejdstilsynet conduct inspections?)
Udvalgte selvbetjeningsløsninger (Selected self-service solutions)
Safety in the construction industry
Tag ingen chancer med din sikkerhed på byggepladsen (Take no chances with your safety)
Sikkerhed ved arbejde på stiger (Safety when working on ladders)
Sikkerhed ved tagarbejde (Safety during roof work)
Sikkerhed ved gravearbejde (Safety during excavation work)
Sikkerhed ved nedrivning (Safety during demolition)
Sikkerhed, når der er PCB i bygningen (Safety when working in buildings containing PCBs)
Beskyt jer mod asbest (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Beskyt jer med personlige værnemidler (Protect yourselves with personal protective equipment)
Tegngivning ved kranarbejde (Signals when working with crane)
Trip and slip accidents, fact sheetsMurervirksomhed (Bricklaying and masonry)
Transport af gods (Goods transport)
Accommodation in Denmark
Health and safety management:
Creating a good framework for health and safety cooperation, fact sheet for clients
Health and safety cooperation at building and construction sites, fact sheet for contractors
Important rules, inspection and self-service
How does Arbejdstilsynet conduct inspecions?
Notification to the Register of Foreign Service Providers
Risk assessment in the workplace
Selected self-service solutions
Psychosocial work environment
Offensive behaviour must stop - Let us help you (at.dk/en)
Safety in the construction industry
Take no chances with your safety on the construction site
Safety when erecting and working from scaffolding
Safety when working on ladders
Safety when working in buildings containing PCBs
Protect yourselves against asbestos
Protect yourselves with personal protective equipment
Signals when working with crane
Trip and slip accidents, fact sheets -
Accommodation in Denmark
Dach über dem kopf (A roof over your head)
Health and safety management
Important rules, inspection and self-service
Gefährdungsbeurteilung (Risk assessment in the workplace)
Gefährdungsbeurteilung (H&S Risk assessment)
Wie führt die Arbeitsaufsicht Besichtigungen durch? (How does Arbejdstilsynet conduct inspections?)
Psychosocial work environment
Kränkende Handlungen müssen gestoppt werden (Offensive behaviour must stop)
Safety in the construction industryVermeiden Sie risiken für Ihre Sicherheit auf der Baustelle (Take no chances with your safety)
Schützen Sie sich gegen Asbest (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Sicherheit bei Abbrucharbeiten (Safety during demolition)
Sicherheit bei Dacharbeiten (Safety during roof work)
Sicherheit bei Erdarbeiten (Safety during excavatios)
Sicherheit bei PCB im Gebäude (Safety when working in buildings containing PCB's)
Sicherheit beim Arbeiten auf Leitern (Safety when working on ladders)
Zeichengebung bei Kranarbeit (Signals when working with cranes)
Trip and slip accidents, fact sheets
Heizung, Lüftung, Klimatechnik (Plumbers)
Maurerarbeiten (Bricklaying and masonry)
Accommodation in Denmark
Un posto dove stare (A roof over your head)
Important rules, inspection and self-serviceSupervisione di aziende estere (inspections of foreign companies)
Soluzioni self-service pertinenti (selected self-service solutions)Maggiori informazioni sul iscrizione al Registro delle imprese straniere (RUT) (Notification to the Register of Foreign Service Providers)
Safety in the construction industryNon Giocare d'azzardo con la tua sicurezza in cantiere (Take no chances with your safety)
Proteggetevi dall amianto (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Segnali per lavori con gru (Signals for working with cranes)
Sicurezza durante i lavori di escavazione (Safety during excavation work)
Sicurezza durante i lavori sui tetti (Safety during roof work)
Sicurezza durante la demolizione (Safety during demolition)
Sicurezza sul lavoro con le scale (Safety when working on ladders)
Accommodation in Denmark
Stogas virš jūsų galvos (A roof over your head)Important rules, inspection and self-service
Užsienio įmonių kontrolė (Inspections of foreign companies)
Atitinkami savitarnos sprendimai (selected self-service solutions)
Rizikos vertinimas, APV (H&S risk assessment)
Safety in the construction industry
Nežaiskite azartinių žaidimų su savo sauga statybos aikštelėje (Take no chances with your safety)
Sauga dirbant ant kopeciu (Safety when working on ladders)
Sauga dirbant pastatuose, kuriuose yra PCB (Safety when working in buildings containing PCB)
Sauga statant pastolius ir dirbant ant ju (Safety when erecting and working from scaffolding)
Sauga vykdant griovimo darbus (Safety during demolition)
Sauga vykdant kasimo darbus (Safety during excavation work)
Sauga vykdant stogo darbus (Safety during roof work)
Saugokite save nuo asbesto (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Accommodation in Denmark
Dach nad głową (A roof over your head)
Health and Safety Management
Important rules, inspection and self-service
Ocena ryzyka (H&S Risk assessment)
Zgłoszenie firmy do RUT (Notification to the Register og Foreign Service Providers)
Przegląd miejsca pracy (Risk assessment in the workplace)
Psykosocial work environment
Należy powstrzymać nadużycia (Offensive behaviour must stop)
Safety in the construction industry
Nie ryzykuj swojego bezpieczeństwa na placu budowy (Take no chances with your safety)
Bądź bezpieczny! Używaj środków ochrony indywidualnej (Personal protective equipment)
Bezpieczeństwo podczas prac z rusztowaniami (Safety when erecting and working from scaffolding)
Bezpieczeństwo podczas rozbiórki (Safety during demolition)
Bezpieczeństwo przy pracach dekarskich (Safety during roof work)
Bezpieczenstwo przy pracy na drabinach (Safety when working on ladders)
Bezpieczeństwo przy robotach ziemnych (Safety during excavations)
Sygnalizacja przy pracach z żurawiem (Signals when working with cranes)
Zabezpiecz się przed azbestem (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Zasady bezpieczeństwa, gdy w budynku jest PCB (Safety when working in buildings containing PCB)
Trip and slip accidents, fact sheetFirmy elektryczne (Electricity)
Firmy murarskie (Bricklaying and masonry)
Important rules, inspection and self-service
Supervisão de empresas estrangeiras (Inspections of foreign companies)
Soluções de autoatendimento relevantes (selected self-service solutions)
Safety in the construction industry
Accommodation in Denmark
Un acoperiș deasupra capului (A roof over your head)
Important rules, inspection and self-service
Monitorizarea companiilor străine (inspections with foreign companies)
Soluții relevante pentru autoservire (selected self-service solutions)
Safety in the construction industry
Protejati-va impotriva azbestului (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Semnale pentru lucrul cu macarale (Signals when working with cranes)
Siguranta in timpul demolarii (Safety during demolition)
Siguranta in timpul lucrarilor de excavatie (Safety during excavation work)
Siguranta in timpul lucrarilor la acoperis (Safety during roof work)
Siguranta la lucrul in cladirile ce contin PCB (Safety when working in buildings containing PCBs)
Siguranta la lucrul pe scari (Safety when working on ladders)
Accommodation in Denmark
Крыша над головой (A roof over your head)Important rules, inspection and self-service
Надзор за иностранными компаниями (inspections of foreign companies)
Соответствующие решения для самообслуживания (selected self-service solutions)
Safety in the construction industryЗащита от асбеста (Protect yourselves against asbestos)
Техника безопасности при демонтаже/сносе строительных конструкций (Safety during demolition)
Правила техники безопасности при выполнении земляных работ (Safety during excavation work)
Правила техники безопасности при выполнениикровельных работ (Safety during roof work)
Техника безопасности при работе на лестницах (Safety when working on ladders)
Сигналы для работы с кранами (Signals when working with cranes)
Work environment in Denmark
Inspección de empresas extranjeras (inspections of foreign companies)
Soluciones relevantes de autoservicio (selected self-service solutions)
Safety in the construction industry
No te la juegues con tu seguridad en la obra (Take no chances with your safety)
Overview: information in other languages
Overview of information for foreign companies and workers produced by Arbejdstilsynet - the Danish Working Environment Authority.
In order to make it easier for foreign companies and workers to comply with Danish regulations, the Danish Working Environment Authority has produced a number of information materials in other languages. The subjects covered are among others inspection, the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT), H&S risk assessment and safety in the construction industry.
Below you will find links to the information materials (pdf or webpage) as well as an overview in schematic form of the information available in each language.
Information in other languages
Overview of Information available in each language
Important rules, inspections and self-service
Title/Language | DK | DE | EN | ES | IT | LI | PL | PT | RO | RU |
A roof over your head | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Health and Safety Risk Assessment | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Inspections of foreign companies | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Notify the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Relevant self-service solutions | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Safety in the building and construction industry
Title/Language | DK | DE | EN | ES | IT | LI | PL | PT | RO | RU |
Take no chances with your safety | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Personal protective equipment | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Protect yourselves against asbestos | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Protect yourselves against PCB | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Safety during demolition | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Safety during excavations | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Safety during roof work | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Safety when working on ladders | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Scaffolding work safety | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Signals for working with cranes | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Trip and slip accidents, fact sheet
Industries/Language | DK | DE | EN | ES | IT | LI | PL | PT | RO | RU |
Bricklaying and masonry | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Carpenters and joiners | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Electricity | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Goods transport | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Plumbers | x | x | x | x |
Health and safety cooperation at worksites, fact sheet
Target group/Language | DK | DE | EN | ES | IT | LI | PL | PT | RO | RU |
Clients | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Contractors | x | x | x | x |