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How does Arbejdstilsynet carry out inspections?

Arbejdstilsynet carries out inspections of companies operating in Denmark to ensure they comply with Danish legislation on occupational health and safety. Usually inspections focus on the most common health and safety issues, but some inspections will examine specific parts of the workplace or particular health and safety problems.

Arbejdstilsynet (The Danish Working Environment Authority) carries out inspections of both Danish companies and foreign companies temporarily carrying out work in Denmark. 

Inspection of foreign companies

Arbejdstilsynet inspects foreign companies operating in Denmark to ensure they comply with Danish occupational health and safety legislation and that they have registered with the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT). Arbejdstilsynet also checks whether the registration with RUT is complete and correct according to the rules. 

Inspection of compliance with Danish occupational health and safety legislation is carried out in the same way as in Danish companies and with the use of the same types of enforcement actions. 

How does Arbejdstilsynet carry out inspection?

Arbejdstilsynet is entitled to enter a company’s premises or workplace without a court order. This means that the company must give Arbejdstilsynet access even though this may disrupt work. The inspection is carried out by an inspector. The inspector is a qualified supervisor with broad professional competence in the area of occupational health and safety. The inspector must show identification.

During inspection, the inspector will survey the business and assess whether the working environment is in order. The areas looked at will include, for example, the company's own health and safety efforts, risk assessment, ergonomic conditions, noise levels and risk of accidents. The inspector is entitled to interview all employees and to take samples from the business for analysis and to photograph working situations in the company.

The business must be prepared to set aside the time necessary to review the working environment together with the inspector.

Use of interpreters

If necessary, we can arrange for an interpreter to assist. The interpreter will translate via phone during the inspection visit.

The use of an interpreter is free of charge for your company.

The response options of Arbejdstilsynet

If the inspection finds that the company is not complying with occupational health and safety regulations, Arbejdstilsynet will instruct the company to address the issues. Arbejdstilsynet has various response options, including decisions and guidance. In cases of serious violations of occupational health and safety legislation, Arbejdstilsynet may initiate criminal proceedings. If the occupational health and safety conditions are satisfactory, the inspection will be concluded once the supervision ends.

Read more about the response options of Arbejdstilsynet

Any questions?

Contact Arbejdstilsynet
The Danish Working Environment Authority

Phone hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 - 15
Friday: 8 - 14

+45 70 12 12 88

Press 9 for English