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The role and task of Arbejdstilsynet

Arbejdstilsynet - the Danish Working Environment Authority - works for a healthy and safe working environment in all companies in Denmark. This involves, among other measures, inspecting companies and communicating health and safety information.

Arbejdstilsynet – the Danish Working Environment Authority – is the Danish state body responsible for occupational health and safety and inspects working environment conditions in Denmark.

Arbejdstilsynet also inspects whether foreign companies have notified the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT) about their service and that the notification is accurate and complete. Arbejdstilsynet also functions as the Danish liaison office and coordinates the tasks of informing foreign employers and employees about the regulations for working in Denmark.

Arbejdstilsynet is present throughout Denmark, including three regional inspection centres in Copenhagen, Kolding and Hadsten. There are approximately 630 employees in Arbejdstilsynet; approximately 300 of those are inspectors.

What does Arbejdstilsynet do?

Company health and safety problems in Denmark must be resolved through cooperation between employers and employees. The overarching goal of this is to limit work-related accidents, illnesses and attrition in the Danish labour market.

The main strategic activities of Arbejdstilsynet, inspection, communication and regulation, are therefore concentrated on motivating and supporting companies in their own health and safety efforts.

Inspection of the workplace

Arbejdstilsynet - the Danish Working Environment Authority - inspects companies and offers guidance on health and safety conditions in Denmark. Inspections and guidelines are based on the Danish Working Environment Act. Inspections are often carried out without prior notice.

If Arbejdstilsynet discovers, during an inspection, that a company is in breach of the legal requirements, Arbejdstilsynet will serve notice that the company must ensure that the law is upheld. In certain circumstances, Arbejdstilsynet can also prohibit further work until the health and safety issue has been resolved. Arbejdstilsynet also has the option of issuing fines if there is a violation of clear and universally known regulations.

Arbejdstilsynet can choose to re-visit following an inspection to check that a company has complied with the improvement notice from the previous visit.

Inspections always take place in combination with dialogue and guidance to ensure that companies understand why Arbejdstilsynet has determined that health and safety regulations have been breached and how to work on resolving the issues.

Communication and guidance

Arbejdstilsynet - the Danish Working Environment Authority - communicates information on health and safety and working environment regulations so that companies can themselves prevent or resolve their own health and safety issues. This is done, in connection with inspections, through guidelines and on Arbejdstilsynet’s website:

Work Environment in Denmark (English)

Regulation on health and safety

Arbejdstilsynet also contributes to ongoing drafting and adaptation of the regulations on health and safety so that they are targeted, up to date and easy to understand and implement for companies.

Any questions?

Contact Arbejdstilsynet
The Danish Working Environment Authority

Phone hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 - 15
Friday: 8 - 14

+45 70 12 12 88

Press 9 for English