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Reporting back on an improvement notice

A company, which receives an improvement notice from Arbejdstilsynet must report back to the Authority before the deadline established with information describing how they have resolved the problem.

All companies, which have received an improvement notice from Arbejdstilsynet (the Danish Working Environment Authority) have an obligation to report back to the Authority and describe how they have resolved the problem which was behind the ruling made by the Authority.

Report back to Arbejdstilsynet as a foreign company

Foreign companies which are not established in Denmark should submit their information to Arbejdstilsynet via a letter in the post or via email.

You can use the form enclosed together with your ruling. Most of the information needed by Arbejdstilsynet has already been added to the form.

The form needs to be signed by management and by a health and safety representative. By providing their signature, the health and safety representative confirms that the relevant employees have been informed as to how you have complied with the notice.

If you choose to report back via email, you will need to include the following details:

  • Case number and company name
  • A description or a photo which illustrates how you have solved the health and safety problem in question
  • Information confirming that the health and safety representative has been informed of the improvement notice and its solution.

It is important that the description or photos you provide enable the Authority to assess whether or not the action you have taken to comply with the notice has satisfactorily resolved the problems concerned.

The form or email must be sent – before the deadline – to:

The deadline will depend on the type of improvement notice you have received and it will be stated in your ruling.

Arbejdstilsynet may carry out one or more unannounced inspections of your business to ensure that the problems have been resolved satisfactorily.

Companies with a Danish CVR-number

Companies with a Danish CVR number are required to use Arbejdstilsynet’s digital self-service solution for all communication relating to specific cases. This applies no matter whether the company wants to apply for a deadline extension, report back or appeal a ruling.

Report back to Arbejdstilsynet (with a Danish CVR number) (in Danish)

Any questions?

Contact Arbejdstilsynet
The Danish Working Environment Authority

Phone hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 - 15
Friday: 8 - 14

+45 70 12 12 88

Press 9 for English

Last updated: 14-03-2025