Manual – Working Environment for Building and Construction
The manual is published by the Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry (BFA Bygge & Anlæg).
361 pages, published in 2020.
Links to selected chapters on renovation work, fall protection, use of personal protective equipment etc. in the “Manual - Building and construction working environment”. The manual is published by the Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry.
The Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry (BFA Bygge & Anlæg) has published a manual for you and your employees. The manual is a guide to good practice for the working environment in the building and construction sector. It also provides guidance on how to comply with regulations in the Danish Working Environment Act.
The Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry is a sector association for the working environment, consisting of representatives from other social partners, i.e. employer organisations and trade unions.
Condition assessment, protection from dust, etc.
Fall prevention
Fall protection in connection with open facades, element constructions, replacement of windows, etc.
Personal protective equipment
Responsibility of the employer and employee, labelling etc.
Assessment of lifting
Lifting and carrying techniques, work site layout, use of technical equipment, etc.
Access routes
Stairs, ladders, roads, escape routes, etc.
Site layout
Layout of access to site, clean and tidy building site, shielding, etc.
Winter measures
Safeguarding against problems caused by water, rain, hail, snow, low temperatures and darkness.
The manual is published by the Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry (BFA Bygge & Anlæg).
361 pages, published in 2020.
Contact BFA Bygge & Anlæg
The Sector Council on OSH in the building and construction industry
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 09:00-15:00
+45 51 91 14 00