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Notify the Product Registry of import of hazardous substances

All companies that import hazardous chemicals for commercial use in Denmark must notify the Product Registry of the products. Following notification, products are assigned a PR (product registration) number that must be attached to the packaging for the product.

Arbejdstilsynet (the Danish Working Environment Authority) requires that companies and contractors who import or carry hazardous substances or materials into Denmark for professional use must notify the Product Registry of the products. This also applies if a company brings hazardous chemical products for its own use into Denmark. Notification must take place at the latest one month after importing the product to Denmark.

When must the Product Registry be notified?

The Product Registry must be notified of a chemical product when it:

  • is hazardous, typically when labelled with a hazard symbol
  • will be used professionally in Denmark
  • is imported or produced in amounts over 100 kg per annum.

Read more about which substances and materials require notification

How to notify the Product Registry

Your enter notifications to the Product Registry online. Overall access to the different notification types and volume reporting is provided here.

Please contact the Product Registry to get a user profile, if you need to logon for the first time.

Log in to the Product Registry

Read more about how you make the notification

Notify the Product Registry of hazardous substances and materials (

What are the duties of an importer of hazardous products?

Companies that carry or import hazardous products to Denmark have a duty both to notify the Product Registry and to ensure that the notification is up to date at all times. When the product is registered it is assigned a PR number which the company must write on the product's packaging.  Every second year the Danish importer must inform the Product Registry about the annually amount from the year before. This will be by request from the Product Registry.